Reply To: Week 5 – Service Review – Products, programs and services

Home Forums Student forums Steve W Week 5 – Service Review – Products, programs and services Reply To: Week 5 – Service Review – Products, programs and services


Wow Steve, you certainly set youeself a big task but I admired your goal of trying to achieve a holistic experience of the library. You clearly got through a lot of research in your time in the library and it’s great you were impressed by the services on offer. Computer literacy and spaces for everyday tasks such as job applications and resume making are excellent to hear about and positive well-informed staff make for a great user experience. It’s a shame that rural and regional libraries don’t necessarily have the same opportunities to provide the same services. Do you think that funding is the only issue here? It might be worth having a conversation with the librarian next time you are home in Kalgoorlie about the particular barriers they face.

Did you come across a makerspace in your travels? A spin on a SD printer might have been the icing on the cake!