Reply To: My name is Kate and…

Home Forums Introductions My name is Kate and… Reply To: My name is Kate and…

Peldon P

Hi Kate, you’re one very inspiring woman and yeah I too wonder where you get the energy from, you are everywhere and doing everything. When I first knew as our Coordinator I couldn’t even trust you, I thought you should have been older because younger in my opinion equates less experience. Anyways that all changed when I had the ‘Online info services’ unit with you. Not only you have in-depth knowledge about your subject, you also have sound knowledge about the emerging technologies. Since then I think I sort of hero-worship you because you are everything I wanted to be. It was also the reason why I took up this unit, I just wanted to be in your class, I didn’t care/it didn’t matter which unit. Having said that I am very excited about the prospect of blogging, I blog too, no particular area but I love blogging, although I took a couple of years break from it, I am hoping to learn blogging from you. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher.