Looking for Assignment partner

Home Forums Looking for an A2/3 group Looking for Assignment partner

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  • Author
    • #1593
      Peldon P

      Hi my name is Peldon and my major is IM. I’m looking for assignment partner for assignment 2 and 3. I am open to discussing the topics, internal student but can collaborate online as well. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #1868
      Saurav Khadka

      Hello Peldon,

      I am also looking for a partner for both the assignments. Would you like to do it together, I will be available online rather than internal, however, if we need to meet and work together, we can manage some time and work it out. Please let me know your thoughts about it.


    • #1872
      Steven Walker

      Hello guys, i would be happy to team up with you guys ๐Ÿ™‚ three heads are better than 1 ๐Ÿ™‚ . Im happy to meet on campus reguarly over skype or any medium, im really excited about the next phase. Cheers Steve W

    • #1880
      Peldon P

      Hi Saurav and Steven, yes I’d love to team up, 3 heads definitely better than 1. I’ll work hard. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

      • #1893
        Saurav Khadka

        Ok guys then, lets do it in 3..!! Cheers to “SPS team” ๐Ÿ˜€

    • #1948
      Peldon P


      Hi guys,

      Have you thought of a topic yet? My country Bhutan has only 1 public library, Thimphu Public Libraryย and they run only reading programs for children and not much more. The library’s official website is here, which is not much of a website either. According to the World Bank report 2013, internet user in Bhutan is 29.9% therefore there exist a digital divide in the society.

      so how about if we looked at addressing digital divide in Bhutan (or say developing countries), we could propose ย programs for information/digital literacy in libraries. This is just the foundation (context) and we could discuss and take it from there. Please let me know what you guys think.

      My email: peldon@connect.qut.edu.au


      • #2055
        Saurav Khadka

        Hi Peldon,

        That sounds a good idea, I am happy to work on it ๐Ÿ™‚



      • #2200
        Steven Walker

        perfect i will relay it in class

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