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    • #473
      Chris Sonneveld

      Hi. I’m Chris

      I attempted to start the MIS last semester but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to postpone my studies. I have now relocated to Canberra and taken up one unit online to ease myself back into things.

      I haven’t decided on the type of organisation I’d like to work in yet. I’m currently trying to find a job at the moment, hopefully relating to the course. I’m looking into a broad range of industries with the goal of practicing the skills I pick up throughout the course.

      My superhero power is helping others harness their own powers. I’m really good at building confidence in other people who think they have nothing to offer. Others may think that I’m super productive and organised but this is only a smokescreen as this may only occur every other day.

      If I could choose my superpower it would be ‘Super Speed’. This would let me visit my friends all over the world and still make it back in time for bed.

    • #497
      Kate Davis

      Helping others to harness their own powers is an excellent superpower for a librarian. As my ranting in Monday’s class evidenced, I think our most important job is to empower people.

    • #646
      Katherine Lee

      Welcome back Chris! Super speed would be a handy superpower! Sometimes I wish I had the power to slow down time, though, so that there were somehow more hours in the day.

    • #649
      Leena Riethmuller

      Welcome back Chris! I agree with you about your super hero power. You were always very encouraging of others in class last semester.

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