expression of Interest form

Home Forums Assignment 2 expression of Interest form

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    • #2181
      Natalie Anderson


      I dont understand how to fill out this form? Am i writing the real names of the library manager?
      is the library service what i am proposing?
      Am i the project lead?
      How do i submit both the form and my word doc? As the form is quite restrisitive and I cant copy and paste, or add new details.

      so many questionssss

    • #2183
      Kate Davis

      Yup, it’s restrictive by design. This is very common on grant application forms, so I want you to have an authetic experience of working with a restrictive form.

      I will be going though how to fill out the form in class tonight.

      Don’t panic! The form isn’t important. It’s the content that matters. You’ve still got a whole week to get the content into the form.

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