Reply To: Week 3: Argue a Point – "Reference" should include information literacy skills?

Home Forums Student forums Robynne Week 3: Argue a Point – "Reference" should include information literacy skills? Reply To: Week 3: Argue a Point – "Reference" should include information literacy skills?

Christopher Brander

Hi Robynne. That’s an interesting post. Reference work versus information literacy has come up a few times in this subject including the readings, twitter chats, and class discussions. Ideally, teaching someone to fish is the better option but I think in reality there are limitations eg reference librarians might not have the time to really teach one on one information literacy skills. I mentioned in the twitter chats that I think library classes are a better format to teach information literacy but someone rightly responded that there is a challenge in getting students to attend these classes. Information literacy is an important skill for everyone to learn but I think we still have a long way to go in working out how to pass this on to students and the wider community. I think raising awareness of the services that libraries can provide is a good start.