Reply To: Popular Culture in Libraries – Argue a Point

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Rachel Kersley

I love that quote Robynne, and I think that’s the sort of librarian a lot of us want to be. Something I find really interesting in a similar vein, is the way that librarians are so often stereotyped as quiet and almost conservative, when so many of us are absolutely subversive – we want to change the world by sharing information.

Linking this back a little to the actual post, I think that sticking to definitive labels of ‘high’ and ‘pop’ culture, in addition to being something of a value statement can lead to people not experiencing something because of that label. Whereas if it was given a more nuanced label – or no label at all – they might discover something they really enjoy. In other words, sticking to hard and fast labels might help with organising information, but it doesn’t necessarily help people to find or experience it.