Reply To: Week 11 | Trends reflection | R. Support -The trends towards supporting HDR stds

Home Forums Student forums Peldon Week 11 | Trends reflection | R. Support -The trends towards supporting HDR stds Reply To: Week 11 | Trends reflection | R. Support -The trends towards supporting HDR stds

Ruth McConchie

Hi Peldon, I thought your questions were really thoughtful and quite difficult to answer. In response to your first question, I don’t think all HDR students do utilise the research support offered by the library, and those that do I’m not sure that they are using it at the right time in their research.  I think that liaison librarians are extremely competent but if their assistance and expertise is not used at the appropriate point in the research, their skills aren’t as useful. Your final question is the hardest to answer. Libraries measure the attendance of these programs, consultations with students and obviously the bibliometrics and altmetrics for publications, but how do you define success? If the librarian teaches the lecturer (who is probably very busy teaching and may not publish that much) who teaches the student (who may not publish anything) that seems like success but how do you capture that success?