Reply To: Making and Makerspaces – a product/service review

Home Forums Student forums Kirsty Making and Makerspaces – a product/service review Reply To: Making and Makerspaces – a product/service review

Chris Sonneveld

Hi Kirsty

Thank you for sharing your makers experience. I’ve only just glanced over Instructables in the past so thanks for reminding me it existed so I could go back and have a good look. In the last few years I haven’t allowed myself time to be all that creative for the sake of enjoyment. Even though I have had the time I struggle to justify setting some aside to be creative without it needing to be feel as though I have to achieve something or completing it because its a priority. I’m starting to see that it’s not a waste of time and that any opportunity to be creative can only be beneficial because it allows us to use our brainĀ in different ways.