Reply To: Twitter Chat Champion – Reflection

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Chris Sonneveld

Hi Kirsty

Thanks for the great post and sharing an overview of your work experience. I also wasn’t aware of the term Reader’s Advisory before the Twitter Chat and feel that I would have enjoyed reading a lot more if I had access to a service like this when I was younger. I have always found it difficult to find a book I can get hooked on and after a number of failed attempts at trying to enjoy a book I usually stop for an extended period of time. Though I don’t think that RAs necessarily have to be voracious readers I do think they should have foundation knowledge on how books may differ, current trends and popular authors and have knowledge of online resources that will not only assist them as an RA but also for their patrons. At the end of the day not every recommendation is going to be a success but like you’ve said the success of an RA service will depend on creating awareness of the service and providing time to RAs to hone their skills.