Reply To: Week Seven Activity: Information and Digital Literacy – *Twitter Chat Champion*

Home Forums Student forums Will Week Seven Activity: Information and Digital Literacy – *Twitter Chat Champion* Reply To: Week Seven Activity: Information and Digital Literacy – *Twitter Chat Champion*

Luke Mysliwy

Hi will thanks for posting your summary of the twitter chat. In answer to your question I think different types of literacy should be seperated, and also well defined. This would help us (as librarians) to establish what it is people actually need and identify gaps in their (as well as OUR) knowledge and skill base. It was great to see everyone’s points of view on what defines ‘technical literacy’, ‘digital literacy’, ‘information literacy’, and even just ‘literacy’, but I don’t know if we came to any consensus on how to define any of them. There are different grades of literacy, and perhaps some kind of definition of those grades of literacy can help us figure out what stage people are up to with their ‘digital/IT literacy’.