Reply To: Argue a point: Academic libraries should support their patrons' leisure reading

Home Forums Student forums Katherine Argue a point: Academic libraries should support their patrons' leisure reading Reply To: Argue a point: Academic libraries should support their patrons' leisure reading

Kate McKelliget

Hi Katherine, I really enjoyed reading this! I remember I was once trying to find C.S Lewis’ book Surprised by Joy. I didn’t have any luck searching on the public library’s catalogue. It occurred to me, however that my university might have the book in their library due to its strong philosophy, religion and English literature departments. I still remember the feeling of guilt when I loaned that book from the university library! I felt like I wasn’t using the library in the correct way. I also remember, very distinctly, the feeling of realizing how many books were in this (enormous) library that I might like to read for pleasure. However, the habit never stuck. I think the habit never stuck simply because the culture didn’t exist. The way that you wove the argument of aliteracy into your post was really great and thought provoking – mostly because I’ve never thought about that issue before! Thanks.