I wanted to stop by and wish you all well for the last few days of assignment writing. I know many of you have assignments due across a number of units this Sunday night, so I’m sure you’re in for a busy few days. Here’s some tips and info to help you through the last […]
Clarification on word limits for A3
Just a couple of points of clarification about word limits on A3. On the application form, there is no limit for any of the tables, including budget, timeline/plan and risks. I forgot to take the word limits off the assignment page her on the unit site, so if you’ve been looking at that, you may […]
Example proposal for a program
In tonight’s class, I said I’d provide an example proposal from the precursor to this unit. So here it is [Word]. I want to stress that this was a different assignment. It was much more detailed, and was an internal proposal rather than a grant application. But it is a very good example of a […]
Online only class after tonight’s Twitter chat
As I flagged last week, we’re going to have a short class tonight after our Twitter chat, focused on Assignment 3. I’ll run you through the form and answer any questions you have about the assignment. Note this isn’t in the weekly intro video because I shot it ahead of time, so thought I’d better […]
General comments on A2 and your grade to date
Well, you guys did a fantastic job of Assignment 2! I don’t think I’ve seen a spread of marks so heavily weighted at the top end of the scale. Congratulations on your creativity and the quality of your work. The spread of marks on this assignment was from 5.5 to 10 out of a possible 10 […]
Assignment 2 and 3 forms and submission methods
I’ve made the forms for Assignment 2 and 3 available from the Assignment 2 and 3 page, along with instructions on how to submit the documents. I decided to make the forms in Word, so that you don’t have to worry about submitting it via a web form. This is a pretty typical practice – […]
Preparing for the Week 10 class: get feedback on your Assignment 2 & 3 ideas
In tomorrow night’s class, I’m going to ask everyone to give us a two minute overview of the program, product or service they are planning for Assignment 2 and 3. Please come prepared to talk about the target audience user needs the program, product or service that you’re designing – what it looks like, what […]
Getting ready for Assignment 2 and 3
I posted the criteria sheets and some revisions to the Assignment 2 and 3 instructions several days ago. So far there’s been no feedback, so I’m assuming you’re all happy to proceed with the criteria as they are and with the proposed revisions. I’ll make the instructions final at the end of tomorrow (Sunday) – […]
Assignment 2 and 3 update
As discussed in last night’s class, I’ve made the criteria available for Assignment 2 and 3. Access them from the Assignment 2 and 3 page. Please review these criteria and let me know if you see any issues by commenting here. In the end, I decided to take the literature criteria out of A2, because […]
Draft Assignment 2 and 3 requirements are ready for comment
I’ve posted the detailed requirements for Assignment 2 and 3 for you to review. These are based on a real grant application – specifically, State Library of New South Wales’ public library grants, with a few modifications based on the application for QUT’s Engagement Innovation Grant program. You’ll notice there are maximum word lengths for each individual […]