General comments on A2 and your grade to date

Well, you guys did a fantastic job of Assignment 2! I don’t think I’ve seen a spread of marks so heavily weighted at the top end of the scale. Congratulations on your creativity and the quality of your work.

The spread of marks on this assignment was from 5.5 to 10 out of a possible 10 marks.

Coming back from a week off and seeing your marks (thanks to Clare for marking while she was away on holidays!), I couldn’t help but dive in and have a look at your assignments.

Given the very high standard of the assignment overall, there’s not much scope for general feedback! Those of you who are looking to improve your mark on the next assignment might like to address the three areas I’ve identified as needing some attention based on Clare’s feedback on A2:

  • Detail: Make sure you’ve fully explained your proposed program, product or service. Clare has indicated areas where she didn’t have a full picture of what you were planning to do.
  • User needs: Make sure you articulate how the program, product or service meets the needs of the client group. There are a couple of sections in the application form that will allow you to really sell this.
  • Strategic linkage: Make sure the program, product or service is appropriate for the organisation applying for the grant, and that you’ve selected an appropriate funder. And make sure you clearly link your proposal to specific strategic priorities for the organisations.

While we didn’t ask you to complete the user needs and strategic linkage sections of the application for the EOI, Clare has given you some hints if she saw potential misalignment.

Your cumulative mark for the unit

I also wanted to touch briefly on your total marks to date for the unit. In the email with your assignment feedback, I included your A1 check point 1 mark and an indication of how many marks you have accrued so far in the unit.

For A1 check point 1, some of you received a mark out of 41 while others received a mark out of 51 (the lower mark applied if you used your get out of jail free card). For A1 check point 2, you’ll get a mark out of 41 or 51, again dependent on whether you used your get out of jail free card. Overall, A1 is worth 50% of your grade for the unit. It’s marked out of 100, so to work out how many marks you’ve accrued so far towards your total in the unit, you need to divide your check point 1 mark by 2.

Here’s a breakdown of mark distribution across the assignments.

Assignment 1

(GOOJF = get out of jail free)

GOOJF card before Week 9

Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2


On time submission Quiz Total Posts On time submission Quiz Total Participation

A1 total

Marked out of 22 4 15 41 44 8 5 57 10 108
Possible contribution to overall grade (number of marks) 11 2 7.5 20.5 22 4 2.5 28.5 5 54

Used GOOJF card in Week 9 or later

Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2


On time submission Quiz Total Posts On time submission Quiz Total Participation

A1 total

Marked out of 33 6 15 54 33 6 5 44 10 108
Possible contribution to overall grade (number of marks) 16.5 3 7.5 27 16.5 3 2.5 22 5 54

Assignments 2 and 3

A2 A3




10 37.5 2.5

Please let me know if you have any questions about how this works.

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