New on the unit site

I’ve made a few changes and additions to the site to make things a little bit smoother. Here’s a run down.


I’ve updated my post on why you should use Twitter to include a link to a list of must follow LIS types on Twitter for you to follow. The list also includes some associations, some of my favourite libraries to follow, and a few random people who have interesting things to say (educational technologists, technologists, thinkers in other spaces). Follow it now! You can also tweet me recommendations and I’ll add them to the list.

Don’t forget to tweet me so I can add you to the class Twitter list.


Ability to edit posts

Previously, your forum posts were only editable for 5 minutes after you made them. I can’t turn this setting off, so I’ve set it to 30 days, which should give you plenty of time to make changes to your posts.

Visual editor

I’ve changed the settings to give you access to more functionality in the visual editor. This now gives you all the options you would normally have on a WordPress blog, including the ability to upload media. It basically means your forum for your learning journal (when I set them up) will function more like a blog.

Printer friendly pages

There was a request for printing tips for the schedule and Assignment 1 page. I’ve linked to a Google Doc version of the schedule to make it easier to print, and as soon as we finalise details for A1, I’ll make a Google Doc version of that too.

Schedule change

I accidentally left culture and pop culture programming off the schedule, which – given so many of you have an interest in art and GLAMs – was kinda unforgivable! I’ve added it now in the last week of semester.

Please let me know if there are other topics you want to explore.

Upcoming events

I’ve created a forum where we can post about upcoming events, to help you find an event to go to for your program review task. Please feel free to add anything you see around the place.

And a reminder

Don’t forget to work through the tasks listed on the Week 2 page by Sunday night. There are some basic set up tasks here that you really need to complete before we get underway with our first topic on Monday.

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